Bording Vista Ltd. currently known as Fiftytwo Digital Ltd.
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Services & Technologies

  • Web Design
  • Web Application
  • Mobile Application
  • Software Development


We are recognized as one of the leading offshore website solution companies who are expert in providing most creative web design and development services focusing your business objectives.


From design ,development to deploy and maintainance we offer the most sophisticated solution and support throught the actualization of your web application project


Cutting edge mobile solutions with the latest of technologies to make sure our mobile apps stay on the top of the features.Future proofing for the evergrowing competitive market.


We offer full-cycle custom software development and programming services to match the constantly changing technologies and business need. Leverage our decade-long expertise in enterprise software, app, mobile and website development.

Fiftytwo Digital is a part of Bording Group.

Bording Group has over 400 employees, in 7 companies across the Danish, Swedish and Norwegian markets. We are all involved in marketing, technology and consulting in partnership with our customers.